
The Power of Two for hara healing - page 8

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark
The real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light."

Pallas Athena Goddess
embodying the Divine Feminine
Love & Wisdom
powerful yet gentle

The Power of Two Reconnection and Divine Empowerment Process enables everyone to get fully into Hara and hold it.  

Carrying out this re-connection gives people hope and helps them save themselves from the shackles of physicality.

The Power of Two Reconnection and Divine Empowerment Process enables:-

  • You to find happiness and fulfillment.
  • To switch into your life purpose,
  • To tap into your own power of intention in order to co-create effectively
  • Re-connects you back into The Gridwork of the Universal Mind (the Unity or Christ Consciousness Grid)
  • Re-connects you to Mother Earth
  • Assists in the re-alignment of the Hara Line so life just works
  • Unblocks or repairs the energy system on the 4th 5th and 6th dimensional levels
  • Aids mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing 
  • Releases karmic issues

I help people save themselves rather than help save people.
Rita Marr

How it works.....

Matthew 18:19
Jesus said whilst channeling Maitreya:
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you."

Matthew 7:7 
Jesus said "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

I have used the term ‘The Power of Two” as being a modern Golden Age way of interpreting these words.


Evolution is beyond healing.  When we evolve to our next level of consciousness healing automatically takes place because you leave behind the issues caused by the previous level of consciousness …therefore you can say evolution is a fast track to healing on all levels, physical, emotional, mental.

Imagine the consequences of 7 billion people harically aligned!!  Only Peace and Love on Earth.  Wars, suffering, abuse, bigotry, hunger, all cease.  Open hearts abound.


There are a number of Universal Laws which if we abide by them and utilize them we can bring about major and lasting change both in ourselves, and others.

Spiritual laws are not about right and wrong but about truth and consequences.  

I use two of these Laws to activate the 
Power of Two:

The Law of The Immaculate Concept  

Definition: a pure thought held by one person on behalf of another 
can manifest what is desired  

This law is what Jesus was referring to when he said ‘and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free’. (John 8.32)

The Law of Precipitation

Definition: Manifesting with Light using the power of the spoken word

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